Working for Creative Education in Music

David has a strong interest in music education for releasing creativity.  As a member of the Government think tank which gave rise to the Music Manifesto, he was asked to look into the teaching of composition in primary schools.  After running a DfES project – BUILDING MUSIC – during which he researched and piloted several new methods in schools around London, he wrote KEY STAGE 2 COMPOSING – the complete scheme of work.  Among David’s many songs for children, his SEALSONGS collection has been popular for many years. 

David has also developed these methods for adults, designing workshops and seminars on creative thinking for corporate use. THINKING LIKE A COMPOSER  (which is available as a half-day or one-day workshop) is an enjoyable introduction to a new way of solving problems. 

David has given lectures and master classes in composing, songwriting and related topics at universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  He also offers two foundational lectures for students: 1] an Introduction to Harmony, and 2] an Introduction to Music History. 

David has been an external examiner and an assessor of university courses and has written several articles on music from a variety of points of view. 

Schools & Further Education 


Corporate Training 

Here is a selection of David’s Stoll’s resources for Primary Schools.

David Stoll giving a demonstration lesson in Ljubljana, Nov 2011. Photo Drustvo Slovenskih Skladateljev.
David Stoll giving a demonstration lesson in Ljubljana, Nov 2011. Photo Drustvo Slovenskih Skladateljev.