This is the website for the composer, David Stoll
DAVID STOLL is a composer of music for the concert hall, the theatre and the modern media. His work includes many songs for children. David has been active in music education and in professional organisations which look after the rights of composers and songwriters. Recently David has also started to write fiction.
David was educated at Oxford University, where he held the Hadow open scholarship in composition at Worcester College, and at the Royal Academy of Music, London. This website gives some details of the various aspects of David’s work, and includes a large number of musical examples available to stream. Links to the tracks may be found throughout, and the products available in the SHOP also have excerpts to stream. Below are a couple of selected examples; these are changed every few weeks.
In 2002 the Royal Academy of Music honoured David with election to an Associateship for “distinction in (his) profession”.
Music excerpts © David Stoll, Music Sales, Novello & Co, Wise Music, Bosworth, Noise Pump, Atlas Production Music, Standard Music, Studio G, Amphonic etc.
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