JANUARY 2015 …

… and a Happy New Year to one and all.  It’s back to eating (more or less) sensibly and drinking (sensibly) less not more.  Back to the Health Club and back to the admin: the music doesn’t stop, but thankfully the office work does.  And now it restarts.

I am currently working on the follow up to LAST BUS HOME which we hope to have out by the end of February.  Then there is the orchestration of THE DRUMMER BOY OF WATERLOO as we should know the size of band soon.  And Novello & Co want to record some of my recent brass music in the spring, which requires some work.

eg 1

I’m attaching a screenshot from the particular track I’m working on today: an arrangement (even, in some ways, a deconstruction) of something fairly well known – and about 300 years old.  These staves all have a two flat key signature and a treble clef (though octaves may be deceptive, as a classical guitar plays).  Treat identification as a puzzle if you like.