… and now what? Having woefully neglected this blog for so long, I’d like to give you a quick update before, in a few days, sending you my annual New Year message and gift.

Over this past year of Lockdowns, vaccinations and less social interaction than usual, I have delivered a library album to my publisher, and worked on the orchestrations for a new musical by Joe O’Donnell – fabulous music which owes to folk, jazz, rock and his own individual genius. (Visit the link for the latest information.)

I have also written a novel. This is something I have always wanted to do and I’ll tell you more about it sometime soon.

I have now arranged for my next library album to be written and produced in the new year. I shall be working in collaboration with John Mercer – we are delighted to be working together again and looking forward to exploring a new genre of music. John, as well as the skills mentioned on the Chronometer page, is a writer, an artist (and I thank him for many of my album cover designs) and a composer of very interesting and beautiful electronic music. This album will be a joint venture.

So there you are. Your annual gift will be coming very soon.