Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 11.31.47am… more regularly, I find that I update this Blog less often.  I very much enjoy the discipline of the Tweet, trying as often as possible to come in on exactly 140 characters, and the recent brilliant idea of the #quartweet is quite an inspiration.

The publicity for DBW is starting to happen and I am reminded of that wonderful line in FARINELLI AND THE KING, when the singer is asked about his fame: “I am not famous, Farinelli is”.  I very much doubt that the publicity will be about David Stoll, but, whenever he is mentioned, it will feel strange and – however accurate – untrue.  But then, in a way, all creative artists know that their own work, once born, has its own life outside them: somehow you know the piece very well but have no ownership of it at all.  The publicity about me (such as it is) will have a similar relationship.