Terms and Conditions

Purchases of educational products include full details of the authors’ rights and the purchaser’s permitted uses in the text.  Generally, schools are given all the permissions that they require.

For music downloads, the purchaser has the right to copy purchased material into a computer, tablet, phone or other platform and store it there for personal non-commercial listening.  While the purchaser may keep any purchased download on all their own platforms, they may not be passed on, sold, lent or given to other users.

If the purchaser wishes to copy the download onto another product for use in compilations, to accompany video material, or for any similar or other purposes, that would gererally be allowed  for non-commercial use, provided written permission has been granted.  Please contact David Stoll via the website.

For commercial use of any of the material, it will be necessary to contact the publisher and the record company, which may be done by writing to David Stoll through the website.

David Stoll,
69 Horsham Avenue,
N12 9BG