… has now been released on Amazon under the orrydian imprint as a printed book and for download to Kindle.

This book is my first full-length work of fiction. I have written about music before, and also short stories, but never a novel. Having said that, the book does include much musing by the author (who is, in many ways, very like me) on the process of composition and artistic creation in general. However, the author (who is, in many ways, not like me at all) also tells three different stories to try to make sense of life. The stories are linked together, but are set in rather different worlds.

A DREAM OF LOCKDOWN is a comedy about chess, mirrors, twins, cryptic puzzles and the songs of the Beatles. It is rather difficult to describe, much as it is difficult to tell the story of a dream which seems to remind you of things which you have never experienced, but still know.

Please give it a try and, if you like it, tell others about it.